Ryan@BrightStarPartnersins.com 15520 Rockfield Blvd, Irvine, CA 92618 916.805.0744


Supercharge Your Retirement

→ Use OPM to fund your retirement → Earn compounding interest on larger sums of money


Minimize Liability Exposure

→ No chance of market risk → No personal guarantees → Held in irrevocable trust to keep outside your estate

Tax Free

Unlimited Tax Free Roth

→ Typical Roth-IRA has contribution/income limits → Borrow as much money as you want to fund this tax free Roth

S&P 500 Leverage

Predictable Leverage Strategy

→ Money invested into the S&P 500 with a guaranteed 0% floor and 10-12% cap → S&P Performance driven and predictable range or returns over 10,15,20 year periods

About Us

Relationship Building

Trust and Transparency

Smart Investing with Smart Ideas. Ryan Wert, a Sacramento Native and founder of BrightStar, has mentored under several influential business partners to provide sound financial advice in retirement and leveraging your money.

Director of Premium Finance

Premium finance director at one of the United States largest IMO's

Founder, Ryan Wert


Our Latest Case Studies

Premium Policy Comparison

Retirement Income Comparison

Account Value Comparison


Schedule a Strategy Session